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Meghan McCain on Sarah Palin???

This time it's not the media at large that are missing the bear-- it's Meghan McCain. Where is the responsible voice who stands up against a racist leading the young republicans or the girl who poses for an ad against Prop 8?

While the media are either still laughing uproariously or stumped by Palin's resignation (comparing her to Princess Di though, is inexcusable), the same republican faction that elected Audra Shay is gaining ground. Palin is attempting to become a political pundit and seems to be positioning herself for something. My best guess is that she's making a bid to replace Michael Steele. Steele clearly hasn't done much for Republican party unity since his leadership of the GOP began. Palin clearly has support amongst the Republican everywomen, but has had too many mishaps to survive another electoral run for public service.

So come on Meghan, time for a counter move! Make some noise! Don't let Shay Republicans and Palin decide the future of the Republican party!

[I know, I can't believe I've just written this either-- left of the American left as I am. What can I say for myself? I just like smart, ballsey (ballsy?) women. Read my earlier post about Ms. McCain.]

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